Explorations with Collage

All my collage incorporates three-dimensional elements, as the various images are positioned on different heights and distances from the base, creating an illusion of depth.

Additionally, by positioning parts of the assemblage on different levels, I’m able to narrate the collage in unexpected ways, simultaneously combining my own photos with those of others.

I’ve also used the method of multidimensional collage to “summarize” a roll of film (36 photos) into just one piece of work:

this allows for telling an otherwise fragmented story in one piece of art, that conveys the message and aesthetic sense of a trip, a party, a special day in the summer, or life, through a careful selection and assembling of related visuals.

Check out more collage here and here.

custom collage

Wish to receive your own custom-made collage? Send me up to 36 images (e.g., a roll of film), and I’ll create a three-dimensional collage about your own photos: a retelling of your own visuals.

We can agree upon any special wishes (focus, color scheme, size etc.) when you send the photos to me so you’ll get the piece you want but perhaps with surprising twists.